Tell my elected officials:


The Petition

Dear Elected Official,

I'm writing to you because I care about our democracy and want to see it improve. I believe we should have open primaries, which would make our elections fairer and include more diverse voices.

Here's why I think open primaries are important: Recent data shows that a lot of young voters like me, especially those from Generation Z and Millennials, don't strongly identify with either of the main political parties. About 65% of us consider ourselves independent and don't want to be tied down by strict party loyalty.

What's more, a whopping 69% of young people feel that neither the Republican nor the Democratic Parties truly represent their interests. We want political leaders who listen to us, prioritize our needs, and work to make our communities and society better.

The problem is that the current primary system makes it difficult for young voters to have a say. Closed primaries only allow registered members of specific parties to participate, leaving out those of us who don't align with a party. This makes us feel excluded and goes against the principles of fairness and equal representation that our democracy should stand for.

Surveys show that 80% of young voters see closed primaries as a problem. We know that elected leaders often prioritize their party over the needs of their constituents, which hurts effective governance and erodes public trust. We need a system that holds leaders accountable to the people they serve, not just their party.

That's why I'm urging you to consider implementing nonpartisan open primaries. This would allow all eligible voters, regardless of party affiliation, to take part in primary elections and vote for the candidates who best represent their values.

The facts are clear: 85% of young voters support a switch to nonpartisan open primaries. We believe it's time to reform the way we elect our leaders in America. This strong consensus shows that change is urgently needed and represents the collective voice of our generation.

By adopting open primaries, we can breathe new life into our democratic process, increase political involvement, and create a more inclusive and representative political landscape. Open primaries empower young voters like me by giving us a real chance to influence the political conversation and elect leaders who truly understand our concerns and aspirations.

I respectfully ask for your support in championing open primaries and advocating for their implementation at every level of government. Our democracy thrives when every citizen's voice is heard, no matter which party they belong to. Let's work together to build a future where young voters actively shape the future of our nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm excited to see how open primaries can positively impact our democracy and empower independent young voters.


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